My Latest InsideTracker Results at 65 Years Old

Tracking allows us to improve markers that we otherwise would not know need some help — these may be sleep, resting heart rate, or blood-based biomarkers. One of the nice things about using the InsideTracker platform is that it incorporates all of these into a single platform, giving us recommendations and suggestions on how to improve and the science behind the suggestions. Since I have been using InsideTracker for 3 years, I have a clear history that I can easily review — and I frequently do exactly that. So, without further ado, here are my latest InsideTracker results at 65 years old.

My current chronological age is 65, and my InnerAge is 57.3. This has fluctuated somewhat, but the trend over the last 3 years has been a continued average reduction in my InnerAge. Currently, I am aging at 0.88 using these metrics. The nice thing about InnerAge and InsideTracker is that these are actionable results —meaning, I can improve them by changing what I eat, my supplements, my exercise habits, and my sleep patterns. The suggestions are also ranked by impact. 10 is the highest. 

InsideTracker is constantly updating its science, researching the latest published studies, and expanding the ways we can view results. This month, IT gave me the suggestion of taking a fenugreek root extract supplement with an impact of 10/10. Fenugreek? Who knew? Since all suggestions have scientific abstracts with them, this is what I learned:

Fenugreek (T. foenum-graecum) is a clover-like herb native to the Mediterranean region and Western Asia. Fenugreek is traditionally used as a culinary herb and medicinal plant. It helps with blood sugar control, optimizes hormone levels, and increases milk supply in lactating women. The FDA gives Fenugreek the Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) designation.

Testofen, a specialized Trigonella foenum-graecum seed extract, reduces age-related symptoms of androgen decrease. It also increases testosterone levels, and improves sexual function in healthy aging males, according to a double-blind randomized clinical study. Studies show that taking a fenugreek extract supplement can reduce elevated glucose levels.

Fenugreek contains compounds called saponins, which inhibit the enzymes that break down carbohydrates, slowing the release of glucose into the blood. Fenugreek also contains other compounds that reduce the absorption of glucose by the intestine, helping to control blood sugar levels.

Things one learns from using InsideTracker.

My goal in life has always been to become the best version of myself that I can. This doesn’t mean trying to be 25-year-old David, but to be the best version of 65-year-old David I can be. I feel I owe it to all those people who believed in me and helped me get this far. The healthier I am, the more capacity I have to be helpful to others. InsideTracker is one of my main tools to help me not just pass, but to be the best I can be. 

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